Dedd Pixel


Hello and welcome to Dedd Pixel.

What’s a Dedd Pixel?

Well, a Dedd Pixel is a blatant misspelling of Dead Pixel, which is a term used to describe a defective LCD monitor pixel that remains unlit. It is also the name a fictional band that my friends and I had in college. In a programming class, we were AlScSh and the drum machine, then became Flux in our Electromagnetics class, before transforming into Dead Pixel for reasons unknown. We finally settled on Dedd Pixel after realizing that truly edgy bands misspell things. Since the band is fictional in the first place, I’m using it as the name of my artBlog.

What is the intent of Dedd Pixel?

Although I rarely have time to create art, I still love to learn about art. So while I don’t necessarily create a lot of art, I do read about it and bookmark/link to it. This blog is intended for me to share some of the neat art-related websites and news that I find as well as discuss my art-related thoughts. I may stray at times and talk about politics,  food, or my cats, but the main focus will be on art that relies on the internet, gaming and technology.

Who are you?

I’m a web developer. I graduated from CU Boulder in 2004 with a BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a BA in studio art.

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